Community Engagement
The community’s views and feelings about the Victorian Desalination Project, and the way AquaSure and its contractors are doing their job are very important to the project team.
As a result, AquaSure has a stakeholder and community engagement program and we actively encourage members of the local community to maintain a dialogue with us.
AquaSure will be an important part of Wonthaggi’s community for 30 years – as an employer, neighbour, customer and corporate citizen – and we are committed to developing this project as a source of local pride.
Throughout all phases of the project AquaSure has and will work with members of the local community and business owners to maximise the economic benefit of the facility in the region, and to minimise any adverse impact on the environment and on the community.
Talking with local people about how they might be affected by the desalination plant is an important part of ongoing project implementation.
During construction, the project’s Community Liaison Group established by DSE met regularly and provided a forum to address key community issues or concerns about the project, and to seek community input on project issues.
Briefings, meetings and presentations aim to inform people about the project. These are supplemented by brochures, newsletters, information bulletins and regular website updates. These documents are available on the Publications section of this website.